About native Windows applications
Notes about Windows applications for Mercurial
I am a CNRS researcher at LEGI (Laboratoire des Ecoulements
Geophysiques et Industriels, UMR 5519).
My main research interests concern fluid dynamics and
turbulence, mainly applied to geophysical flows. In my work, a
combination of lab experiments, numerical calculations,
theoratical derivations and data analysis are used in order to
investigate instabilities and turbulence in stratified and
rotating fluids.
Notes about Windows applications for Mercurial
Mercurial is great for scientists. But it has to be improved!
I detected a new problem with the pip option
and created few issues on pip issue tracker.
Python 3.13 is released: exciting news… and work needed to be able to use it.
Meson is a nice build system but it did not support well MPI
Mercurial is great but could be improved…
Guix and Spack are source-based package managers.
We need pyFFTW in a good shape so I invest some time in this project.
Sur la façon d’utiliser Python au LEGI et ailleurs…
I gave a presentation on Fluiddyn project at the GDR Navier-Stokes 2.0.
Let’s present it, see what have been built and how it can be useful for people.
Fluidimage reached a satisfactory state.
Fluidfft is now modular and works with plugins.
Important progresses on Fluiddyn packages.
Our paper describing a study on the internal gravity wave turbulence has been published in the journal Physical Review Fluids.
I will present our new Python package Fluidsimfoam in my lab.
Our paper describing a study on the linear instabilities in a two-dimensional rectangular cavity has been accepted to the Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
Je découvre Mojo et j’aimerais partager ma compréhension de ce beau projet.
Our paper describing experiments of stratified turbulence forced in waves has been accepted to Physical Review Letters.
I’m discovering Mojo and I’d like to share my understanding of this nice project.