Studying experimental internal wave stratified turbulence with idealized numerical simulations

Jason Reneuve, Nicolas Mordant, Pierre Augier

Clément Savaro, Géraldine Davis, Costanza Rodda

FluidSim and the FluidDyn project

ANR DisET meeting (15 Oct 2021)

Ocean turbulence statistics interpreted as the signature of IG waves

  • temporal spectra: $\omega^{-2}$ between $f$ and $N$

  • vertical spectra: $N^2 k_z^{-3}$

  • horizontal spectra: $k_h^{-5/3}$ at quite large scales


"Garrett-Munk spectrum", interpretations?

  • Naive representation: soup - cascade of (weakly interacting) IG waves?

  • More advanced theories based on IG waves (weak wave turbulence, ...)


  • Validity of the weak wave turbulence solutions?

  • Not obtained in the lab: neither experimentally nor numerically

Toroidal/poloidal decomposition of an incompressible flow

Kinematic decomposition:

  • $\omega_z$ (toroidal = "vortical")
  • $\boldsymbol\nabla_h \boldsymbol{v}_h$ and $v_z$ (poloidal)
  • shear modes

Case stratification without system rotation $f = 0$

Equation for $\omega_z$:

$$ D_t \omega_z = \boldsymbol\omega \cdot \boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{v} + \nu \boldsymbol\nabla^2 \omega_z$$

$\Rightarrow$ No inviscid linear term

Linear limit: poloidal velocity = internal waves

Strongly stratified turbulence

For oceanic parameters (strongly stratified $F_h\ll 1$, weakly dissipative $\mathcal{R} = Re {F_h}^2 > 10$):

LAST regime: "Layered Anisotropic Stratified Turbulence"

  • Strongly non-linear

  • $\omega_z \sim \nabla_h u$

Brethouwer, Billant, Chomaz & Lindborg (2007)
  • Possible interpretation of oceanic data (Riley & Lindborg, 2008)

IG wave turbulence in the Coriolis platform

Savaro et al. (2020): Generation of weakly nonlinear turbulence of internal gravity waves in the coriolis facility

$+$ other experiments (presented today by Costaza Roda)

Reproduction / extensions of these experiments with idealized simulations

  • Pseudo-spectral Fourier, periodic over $x$, $y$ and $z$

  • Navier-Stokes under the Boussinesq approx. Constant $N$

  • Immersed boundary method to mimic the experimental forcing

  • $ L = 12\,$m and $H = 2\,$m to force the same modes as in the exp.

  • Suppress some modes (shear modes and waves at $k_z = 0 \Leftrightarrow \omega=N$)

  • Experimental parameters ($N$, $\nu$)

  • quasi-DNS (newtonian $\nu$ + a bit of hyperviscosity $\nu_4$)

  • Up to $2304\times2304\times384$ grid points

Few results for a set of parameters used in the experimental paper

$F = \frac{\omega_f}{N} = 0.73$ and $a = 0.5\,$cm.


We obtain statistically stationary flows


Dissipation only at small scales $\Rightarrow$ energy transfers towards "small scales" (warning: anisotropy)

Snapshot: vertical cross-section $b$


Small vertical length scales

Warning: dissipation at large horizontal scales even for large $Re$

Snapshot: horizontal cross-section $b$ and $\boldsymbol{v}$


Big vertically superposed horizontal vortices.

Horizontal and vertical spectra


Frequency spectra


Spatio-temporal spectra


Spatio-temporal spectra


Let's force stronger! $a = 10\,$cm (strong mixing in the exp.)


Stronger vortices!

Let's force slower... $F = \omega_f / N = 0.4$


The code is interesting: FluidSim

  • Open-source collaborative framework / library for writting solvers

  • Quality code (continuous integration, proper documentation, issue tracker)

  • Very user-friendly

  • Developer friendly: mostly in Python, highly modular (object-oriented Python)

  • Extensible (for example snek5000)

  • Specialized in pseudo-spectral (Fourier), but not only

  • Very efficient

The code is interesting: FluidSim


To try it and reproduce these results:

conda create -n env_fluidsim fluidsim "fluidfft[build=mpi*]" "h5py[build=mpi*]" ipython
conda activate env_fluidsim


  • Experiments extented with idealized numerical simulations

  • Gravity waves + large vortices ("condensate")

  • Weakly nonlinear waves only for small $k_z/\delta k_z$

  • Quite small buoyancy Reynolds number even in the Coriolis platform

  • Limitations inherent to the experimental setup (small $a$, small $N$)

  • Experimental forcing non local in $\boldsymbol{k}$-space + very intermittent

  • Need to force at small $\frac{\omega_f}{N}$ (i.e. $k_{fz} > k_{fh}$) to get $\omega^{-2}$